Disability Awareness Month

Disability Awareness Months raise awareness of the employment needs and contributions of people with all types of disabilities in the United States.

Disability Awareness Month is often considered three separate months:

1. October -- National Disability Employment Awareness Month
2. March -- Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
3. July -- Disability Pride Month

Though each have a different name, the goal of both months to educate people about different disabilities; help accommodate individuals with disabilities; and share their wonderful contributions with the World!

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

◽  1945: The United States Congress made the first week in October,
National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week
(the word 'Physically' was removed in 1962).

  1988: The United States Congress officially declared the month of October as a federally celebrated month:
National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

◽  Sometimes referred to as and shortened to Disability Awareness Month.

  Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month is celebrated in March.

◽  It was recognized by President Ronald Reagan in 1987.
The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) and National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) join forces to highlight the ways in which people with and without disabilities unite to form strong communities. 

Disability Pride Month

◽  Began in 1990 as a celebration for the signing of the American Disabilities Act

  Disability Pride Month is celebrated in July.

◽  It an important landmark with the signing of the American Disabilities Act by President George W. Bush, which prohibits discrimination based on a disability.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (October) raises awareness on workplace disability accommodations and disabilities that could be the result of an accident, natural causes or birth.

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (March) raises awareness on disabilities that may have been the result of natural causes during or shortly after birth.

Disability Pride Month (July) celebrates the passing of the American with Disabilities Act

However, today all celebration months raise disability awareness and contributions by people who did not let a disability define or limit their goals in life.

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